Flammable Gas Detectors from International Gas Detectors – We offer a variety of fixed sensors and portable monitors designed for the detection of flammable gases.

Accurate and rapid detection of flammable gases is critical in many industries to prevent the gas from reaching hazardous, potentially explosive concentrations.

Explore our selection of flammable gas detectors and related instruments. Specially designed for detecting a broad spectrum of flammable gases, our product range includes:

Many gases and vapors can ignite when they are mixed with an oxidizing agent, typically air, in the proper proportions. If the mixture is too "lean," meaning there is an excess of oxygen and insufficient fuel, ignition will not occur. Conversely, if there is an overabundance of fuel, the mixture becomes "rich" and also fails to ignite. For ignition to take place, three key elements must be present: fuel, oxygen in the correct proportions, and an ignition source, such as heat or energy. This relationship is commonly depicted in the fire triangle.

Removing any component of the fire triangle eliminates the possibility of ignition. In practical terms, it is difficult to eliminate oxygen from our environment, and ignition sources are prevalent. Therefore, in the field of gas detection, the emphasis is on identifying fuel hazards to mitigate their effects.

For a gas to ignite, the fuel-air mixture must fall within a specific flammable range. The point at which there is just enough fuel mixed with air (oxygen) for ignition to occur is known as the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). However, each gas forms this flammable mixture at different concentrations. The following table provides a detailed illustration of this variation.

Alarm Recommendations

First Alarm

10-20% LEL

Second Alarm

20-40% LEL

Third Alarm


Each percentage volume listed corresponds to 100% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) for a specific gas or vapor, indicating the point at which ignition becomes possible. Therefore, flammable gas detectors must be calibrated to respond optimally to the specific gas hazard and should measure from zero (no gas) up to the flammable threshold, which is defined as 100% LEL. All flammable gas detectors are designed to display readings from 0 to 100% LEL. This means that individuals assessing flammable gas hazards do not need to know the exact percentage at which a particular gas forms a flammable mixture; instead, they can quickly gauge the risk level based on the % LEL displayed. For example, a reading of 10% LEL indicates that the gas is 10% of the way to becoming flammable, while 50% LEL indicates that it is halfway to ignition. At this point, the specific gas involved is less critical for risk assessment.

Typically, gas detection systems are programmed with alarm thresholds, usually set at 10-20% LEL for the first warning alarm and 20-40% LEL for a second-stage alarm, which prompts evacuation or further action.

It's also important to note that some flammable gases and vapors may pose a more significant toxic hazard than a flammable one. For example, carbon monoxide has a flammable threshold of 12.5% by volume in air but has a Short Term Exposure Level (STEL) of only 300 ppm (0.03% by volume) over 15 minutes. In this case, a toxic gas detector that measures in ppm is more pertinent since it can indicate danger before the gas reaches flammable concentrations.

Additionally, each flammable gas or vapor has an Upper Explosive Limit (UEL), which represents the concentration at which there is too much gas or vapor for combustion to occur due to insufficient air. In gas detection, we typically focus on identifying leaks before reaching the LEL, rather than monitoring the UEL.

  • Pre & Post After Sales Support

    We offer after sales support on all our products including

    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • Maintenance
    • Repair
    • Calibration
  • Calibration Services

    We have full capability for Gas Detector, Temperature, Pressure Calibrations in our Lab or on-site. With traceable N.I.S.T standards on all our equipment.

    Calibration Services 

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    In order to do great work, we need knowledgeable, well-trained individuals, combined with automation. We are dedicated to not only providing our team with top-notch training, but also world-class equipment to ensure we’re stay at the cutting edge of the industry.


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